

Doctor Carole Boukobza Fitoussi
  • Doctorate in General Medicine Paris
  • Graduated from nutrition Paris
  • Graduate of the Paris mesotherapy school


  • Morpheus 8 training
  • PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) training
  • Laser training -IPL Lumecca


Nutrition is the science that studies the interactions between living organisms and the food they consume, and how food affects health and well-being. It encompasses all the processes by which organisms ingest, digest, absorb, transport, use and excrete nutrients.

Nutrition plays a fundamental role in maintaining health and preventing disease. A balanced and varied diet, rich in essential nutrients, is crucial to overall well-being. Understanding the principles of nutrition and applying healthy eating habits can significantly improve quality of life. For personalized advice, we recommend consulting a nutrition professional.

Roles and responsibilities of a nutritionist

  • Nutritional assessment

- Eating Habits Analysis: Examine customers' eating habits to identify nutritional deficiencies and excesses.

- Health Assessment: Use medical information and physical assessments to determine customers' specific nutritional needs.

  • Consulting and Education

- Customized Diet Plans: Create personalized diets based on individual needs, health goals and food preferences.

- Nutritional education: Teaching customers the principles of nutrition, the importance of different nutrients, and how to make healthy food choices.

  • Health Promotion

- Disease Prevention: Providing advice to prevent nutrition-related medical conditions such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease and certain cancers.

- Behavioral support: Help clients adopt and maintain healthy eating habits through behavioral change techniques.