
Eyebrow Surgery

The face is analyzed in movement. The beauty of the face lies in the mimicry and the pout. We must therefore always take this into account, so as never to freeze a look or block a smile. As the years go by, the skin can relax and fat can distribute itself differently, giving the face a stern, sad or tired look in which we no longer recognize ourselves. The aim of facial rejuvenation surgery is to restore radiance without distorting or transforming the face.

With age, smoking and sun exposure, the skin loses its elasticity and becomes slack. Facial fat also shifts downwards. This gives the face a tired appearance, the impression that we're carrying the trials of life with us all the time.

In this case, if we can't restore the skin's elasticity, we can restore the face's radiance and vitality by re-draping it. I use minimally invasive facelift techniques to ensure a natural result with the simplest possible after-effects, without the risk of damaging facial nerves.

Eyebrow lift

Eyebrow lift, also known as brow lift or forehead lift, is an aesthetic surgical procedure designed to correct sagging or ptosis of the eyebrows and forehead. The procedure aims to restore a more youthful, elevated brow position, while smoothing out forehead wrinkles and rejuvenating the appearance of the upper face.

During a brow lift, the plastic surgeon typically makes incisions along the hairline, sometimes combined with incisions in the temples. Through these incisions, he tightens the sagging muscles and tissues of the forehead, then repositions the eyebrows at a more natural, aesthetically pleasing height. In some cases, endoscopy can be used to perform the procedure with smaller, less invasive incisions.

Ideal candidates for a brow lift are usually people with sagging eyebrows, pronounced forehead wrinkles or a tired or severe appearance due to sagging forehead skin.

Recovery from an eyebrow lift can vary depending on the technique used, but generally requires a rest and recovery period of one to two weeks. Bruising and swelling are common after the procedure, but gradually diminish over time.

Eyebrow lift results are usually visible as soon as the swelling subsides, with a fresher, younger, more rested appearance of the upper face.