


A state-qualified physiotherapist in France (8 years in private practice in Nice and Paris), Karine Aberdam specialized in Traditional Chinese Medicine at the Seminar Hakibutzim school and then at the Broshim Campus (Tel Aviv University).

Karine now practices acupuncture and Tuina (Chinese energy massage), which form the basis of every session, and she combines Chinese pharmacopoeia and dietary advice as required.

The combination of Eastern and Western medicine enables her to understand the body as a whole, and not to dissociate functional and mechanical problems from systemic and emotional ones. It's an enriching experience to have so many tools at my disposal, enabling me to treat each person in the most appropriate and personalized way possible.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Acupuncture, massage, pharmacopoeia, dietetics: traditional Chinese medicine encompasses numerous disciplines, all based on man's vocation to maintain a harmonious relationship with the universe, from an anatomical, physiological and psychological point of view. It seeks to explain the causes of disease, in order to better treat the biological and psychological mechanisms that are their consequences, while addressing the internal imbalances specific to each individual.

What does traditional Chinese medicine treat?

Whatever the symptoms, we seek to treat the origin of the imbalance, which may be expressed in digestive disorders, sleep disorders, stress, anxiety, chronic fatigue, allergies, urinary infections, migraines, backache, joint pain... This medicine is also highly effective in the gynaecological field, for ailments linked to the menopause, irregular and painful periods, and treatment of pregnancy-related disorders.

Practiced as it is in China, it excels in prevention, strengthening the immune system and maintaining energy balance to avoid or limit the onset of pathologies.