
Thin lips

Natural aging can affect the appearance of the lips, making them appear thinner, less defined and sometimes even giving a sad or severe appearance to the face. This can be a source of embarrassment for some people, but aesthetic medicine offers solutions to improve the appearance of the lips.

Lip Surgery Tel-Aviv

Thin lips

Here are some techniques commonly used in aesthetic medicine to redefine and improve the contour of the lips:

  • Hyaluronic acid injections: This is one of the most popular options for increasing lip volume and improving lip contour. Hyaluronic acid is a filler that can be injected with precision to redefine the Cupid's Bow (the heart-shaped part above the upper lip), increase lip volume and correct asymmetries.
  • Lip hem treatment: Hyaluronic acid injections can also be used to treat the lip hem, i.e. the line demarcating the lips from the rest of the skin. By strengthening this hemline, lips appear more defined and the contour is improved.
  • Redefining the curve of the upper lips: To correct a sagging or asymmetrical upper lip curve, hyaluronic acid injections can be used to restore a more aesthetic and harmonious curve.
  • Botox for wrinkles around the lips: Vertical wrinkles around the lips, often called "bar codes", can be treated with botulinum toxin (Botox) injections to smooth the skin and improve the overall appearance of the lips.