
LPG - Alliance

Slimming, anti-aging & anti-cellulite skin care

Aesthetic machines are specialized equipment used in aesthetic medicine clinics and skin care centers to offer a range of non-surgical treatments aimed at improving the appearance of the skin and body.

Here are some of the common treatments offered by aesthetic machines:

  • Skin rejuvenation: Use of lasers or radiofrequency to stimulate collagen production, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, improve skin texture and elasticity, and reduce pigmentation spots.
  • Body contouring: Using techniques such as radiofrequency to firm the skin and improve the figure, and focused ultrasound to target specific areas of the body.
  • Permanent hair removal: Use of lasers or pulsed light to permanently remove unwanted hair.
  • Acne treatment: Using LED light therapy or other technologies to reduce inflammation, kill acne-causing bacteria and improve the appearance of acne-prone skin.
  • Scar and stretch mark treatment: Use of fractional lasers, microdermabrasion or other techniques to improve the appearance of scars and stretch marks by stimulating cell regeneration and reducing pigmentation.
  • Skin firming: Use of radiofrequency, ultrasound or laser to stimulate collagen and improve skin firmness and elasticity.


LPG: What is it?

LPG Alliance is an advanced technological platform offering a range of effective, safe and non-invasive aesthetic treatments for the face and body. These treatments are designed to stimulate cell regeneration, improve skin firmness, reduce the appearance of cellulite, and naturally sculpt body contours.


  • LPG Alliance's Cellu M6® technology is used for cellulite treatment and body contouring. It's a mechanical skin stimulation technique that uses motorized rollers and controlled suction to deeply massage skin tissue, and target problem areas such as the thighs, buttocks, hips and stomach. This stimulates blood circulation, promotes lymphatic drainage, and stimulates collagen and elastin production to improve skin texture and firmness, thus reducing the appearance of cellulite.


  • Lift 360: LPG Alliance's Lift 360 technology is designed to deliver a natural face lift by targeting key areas such as the facial contour, cheeks, chin and neck. It uses a combination of endermological massage and muscle stimulation to tone facial muscles and improve contour definition.


  • Cellulite reduction: LPG is widely used to reduce the appearance of cellulite. By massaging skin tissue with motorized rollers and controlled suction, this technique improves blood circulation, promotes lymphatic drainage and smoothes the skin, thereby reducing cellulite.


  • Skin firming: LPG is also effective for skin firming, by stimulating collagen and elastin production. This helps improve skin texture, reduce sagging, and give skin a more toned, youthful appearance.


  • Improved body contours: LPG helps sculpt body contours by targeting problem areas such as the thighs, buttocks, hips and stomach. This helps to reduce excess localized fat, smooth the skin, and improve the overall silhouette.


  • Treatment of water retention: By promoting lymphatic drainage and improving blood circulation, LPG can be used to treat water retention, helping to reduce swelling and feelings of heaviness in the legs.


  • Post-surgical rehabilitation: LPG is often used to complement post-surgical rehabilitation, particularly after procedures such as liposuction or cosmetic surgery. It helps to reduce oedema, improve healing, and promote faster, more comfortable recovery.


  • Well-being and relaxation: In addition to aesthetic indications, LPG is also used to promote well-being and relaxation. Sessions are soothing and beneficial for reducing stress and improving overall well-being.


LPG: How a session unfolds

The procedure for an LPG session using the Endermologie® technique is generally standardized to ensure the effectiveness of the treatment. Here's what a typical session looks like:

  • Skin preparation: For a facial session, your skin will be cleansed to remove any traces of make-up, oils or lotions. For a body session, we provide you with a full-body tights, the Endermowear. This ensures that the machine's rollers glide easily over the skin to provide an effective massage.
  • LPG session: During the session, you will lie comfortably on a treatment table:

- Roller massage: The device's rollers gently massage the skin, applying precise pressure to stimulate the subcutaneous tissues. This massage helps activate blood and lymph circulation, promoting the drainage of accumulated toxins and fluids.

- Controlled suction: At the same time as the massage, the device uses controlled suction to lift and stretch tissues. This helps to break down cellular adhesions, stimulate collagen and elastin production, and improve skin texture.

- Session duration: An LPG session generally lasts between 30 and 50 minutes, depending on the areas treated and the specific objectives of the treatment.

  • Post-treatment : After the session, there is no recovery time required. You can resume your normal activities immediately. We recommend drinking plenty of water to help eliminate toxins and maintain skin hydration.
  • Session frequency: For optimum results, it's often advisable to follow a regular treatment protocol. This may involve weekly or twice-weekly sessions, depending on your needs and goals.




The results of LPG sessions vary according to several factors, including the initial condition of the skin, the treatment goals, the number of sessions performed and the regularity of the sessions. Here are some of the results that can generally be expected with regular LPG sessions:

  • Cellulite reduction: One of the main benefits of LPG is its ability to reduce the appearance of cellulite. By stimulating blood and lymph circulation, promoting the drainage of toxins and improving skin texture, the treatment helps smooth out dimples and reduce the bumpy appearance of the skin.
  • Skin firming: LPG helps stimulate collagen and elastin production, improving skin firmness and elasticity. Patients experience improved skin tone, less sagging and smoother, more toned skin.
  • Improved body contours: By targeting problem areas such as the thighs, buttocks, hips and stomach, LPG helps to reshape body contours. This can include a reduction in excess localized fat, an improved silhouette and a more harmonious appearance of body curves.
  • Reduced water retention: LPG's improved blood and lymph circulation helps reduce water retention, which can translate into less swelling and heaviness in the legs.
  • General well-being: In addition to the aesthetic results, many patients also report a feeling of general well-being after LPG sessions. The gentle, relaxing massage can help reduce stress, improve muscle relaxation and promote better sleep quality.