
Stretch marks

As the body's largest organ, the skin plays an essential role in protecting us from external aggressors and regulating various physiological processes. Skin is also a reflection of our overall health, lifestyle and emotional well-being.

Taking care of our skin is therefore crucial to maintaining its health and appearance. This includes adopting a skincare routine tailored to our individual needs, protecting against damage from the sun and external elements, a balanced diet and adequate hydration, as well as stress and lifestyle management.

By investing in healthy skin care habits and consulting health professionals when necessary, we can help preserve our skin's youthfulness and radiance, while promoting our overall well-being.

By consulting health professionals when necessary, we can help preserve the youthfulness and radiance of our skin, while promoting our general well-being.

Stretch mark

Stretch marks, also known as skin striae, are linear marks that appear on the skin when it is stretched excessively over a relatively short period of time. They appear as parallel lines, often reddish or purplish at first, gradually becoming lighter and taking on a whitish hue over time.


Stretch marks generally form in areas where the skin is subject to significant stretching, such as the abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, breasts, arms and lower back. They can occur in people of all ages, but are most common during periods of rapid weight change, such as puberty, pregnancy, rapid weight gain or intensive weight training.


Stretch marks form when the dermis, the skin's deepest layer, is stretched beyond its normal elastic capacity, resulting in a break in the skin's collagen and elastin fibers. Risk factors for the development of stretch marks include genetic predisposition, hormonal changes, rapid weight gain, pregnancy, the use of certain medications and medical conditions such as Cushing's syndrome.