

The face is analyzed in movement. The beauty of the face lies in the mimicry and the pout. We must therefore always take this into account, so as never to freeze a look or block a smile. As the years go by, the skin can relax and fat can distribute itself differently, giving the face a stern, sad or tired look in which we no longer recognize ourselves. The aim of facial rejuvenation surgery is to restore radiance without distorting or transforming the face.

Neck lift


With age, smoking and sun exposure, the skin loses its elasticity and becomes slack. Facial fat also shifts downwards. This gives the face a tired appearance, giving the impression that you're carrying the hardships of life with you all the time.
In this case, if we can't restore the skin's elasticity, we can, by re-draping it, restore the face's radiance and vitality.
To do this, I use minimally invasive facelift techniques to ensure a natural result with the simplest possible after-effects, without running the risk of damaging the facial nerves.

A neck lift, also known as a cervical or cervicofacial plasty, is an aesthetic surgical procedure designed to rejuvenate the appearance of the neck by tightening loose skin and muscles, removing excess fat and redefining the contours of the chin and jawline.

This procedure is generally recommended for people with signs of aging in the neck area, such as sagging skin, wrinkling, double chin or fat accumulation under the chin.

During a neck lift, the surgeon makes discreet incisions under the chin or around the ears to access the underlying structures. He or she then tightens the neck muscles, removes excess fat by liposuction if necessary, and reshapes the skin to achieve a firmer, more toned appearance.

Neck lift results can be significant and long-lasting, providing visible rejuvenation of the appearance of the neck and lower face. 

Neck liposuction

Neck liposuction, also known as neck liposuction or cervical liposculpture, is an aesthetic procedure designed to remove excess fat from under the chin and around the neck to improve the contour of this area. This procedure is often performed to reduce a double chin or to refine the neck line.

During neck liposuction, the plastic surgeon makes small, discreet incisions under the chin or behind the ears. Using a fine cannula connected to a suction device, he gently sucks away excess fat to create a more defined, aesthetically pleasing contour.

Neck liposuction is generally performed on an outpatient basis, meaning that the patient can go home the same day as the procedure. The recovery period is generally short, although bruising and swelling may occur in the days following the procedure. Wearing a compression garment around the neck is often recommended to help reduce swelling and promote healing.

The results of neck liposuction can be seen as soon as the swelling subsides, usually after a few weeks.