

The face is analyzed in movement. The beauty of the face lies in the mimicry and the pout. We must therefore always take this into account, so as never to freeze a look or block a smile. As the years go by, the skin can relax and fat can distribute itself differently, giving the face a stern, sad or tired look in which we no longer recognize ourselves. The aim of facial rejuvenation surgery is to restore radiance without distorting or transforming the face.


With age, smoking and sun exposure, the skin loses its elasticity and becomes slack. Facial fat also shifts downwards. This gives the face a tired appearance, giving the impression that you're carrying the hardships of life with you all the time.
In this case, if we can't restore the skin's elasticity, we can, by re-draping it, restore the face's radiance and vitality.
To do this, I use minimally invasive facelift techniques to ensure a natural result with the simplest possible after-effects, without running the risk of damaging the facial nerves.


Otoplasty is a surgical procedure to correct protruding or protruding ears. This procedure is also known as protruding ear surgery. Here are some important points to know about otoplasty:

  • Objectives of otoplasty: The main objective of otoplasty is to correct the position of the ears, bringing them closer to the head and making them less prominent. The aim is to improve the aesthetic appearance of the ears and restore facial harmony.
  • Indications for otoplasty: Otoplasty is generally recommended for people with protruding or protruding ears, often caused by insufficient cartilage development or genetic factors. Both children and adults can benefit from this surgical procedure to correct this aesthetic feature.
  • Surgical techniques: There are different surgical techniques for otoplasty, and the choice of technique will depend on the patient's specific needs and the severity of the ear deformity. Commonly used techniques include reduction of the concha (the central part of the ear), folding and fixation of the cartilage, and correction of the ear protrusion.
  • Surgery procedure: During otoplasty, the plastic surgeon makes discreet incisions behind the ear to access the cartilage. The cartilage is then reshaped and the tissues readjusted to create a more aesthetic and natural appearance of the ears in relation to the head. The incisions are then closed with dissolvable sutures.
  • Recovery and results: After otoplasty, patients may experience some swelling, bruising and slight pain in the ears, which will gradually subside. It is advisable to wear a protective bandage around the ears for a few days to promote optimal healing. The results of otoplasty are generally permanent, and the ears will look more harmonious and less prominent.

Split Lobe Cure

Split lobe cure, also known as split earlobe repair, is a surgical procedure performed to correct a tear or crack in the earlobe. The procedure is usually performed for aesthetic or functional reasons. Here are some important points to know about split earlobe repair:

  • Causes of split lobes: Earlobes can split or tear for a variety of reasons, including trauma, injury, misplaced piercings or the use of heavy, repetitive earrings. A split lobe can lead to an unsightly appearance, and can also make it difficult to wear earrings.
  • Repair techniques: There are several techniques for repairing the split lobe, and the choice of technique will depend on the size of the tear, the quality of the skin and the patient's preferences. Commonly used techniques include direct lobe repair, lobe size reduction, reconstruction with skin or cartilage grafting, and suturing with absorbable sutures.
  • Course of split lobe cure: During the procedure, the plastic surgeon will begin by cleaning and disinfecting the area of the split lobe. Next, the chosen repair technique will be performed, which may involve correcting the edges of the tear, creating a new shape for the lobe, and closing the wound with absorbable sutures. The procedure is usually performed under local anaesthetic.
  • Recovery and results: After the split lobe cure, patients may experience mild discomfort, swelling and bruising in the treated lobe. It is recommended to follow the post-operative instructions provided by the surgeon to promote rapid healing and minimize complications. The results of split lobe cure are generally satisfactory, with a repaired earlobe and a more aesthetically pleasing appearance.