

Accepting your body isn't always easy. For some, it's always been there; for others, it's changed through pregnancy, weight gain or simply the passage of time. Today, many techniques exist to improve your body and feel better about yourself. We take stock of the situation during our consultation, and I'll do my best to advise you.

Buttock lipofilling (BBL)

Buttock lipofilling, also known as Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL), is an aesthetic procedure that aims to increase the volume and improve the shape of the buttocks using the patient's own body fat. Unlike prosthetic buttock augmentation, which uses silicone implants, buttock lipofilling uses liposuction to harvest fat from certain areas of the patient's body, then this fat is purified and reinjected into the buttocks to achieve the desired result.

Here's how the buttock lipofilling (BBL) procedure usually works:

  • Initial consultation: The plastic surgeon assesses the patient's aesthetic goals, discusses their expectations and medical history, and determines whether they are a good candidate for the procedure.
  • Anesthesia and liposuction: The procedure begins with the administration of general or local anesthesia with sedation to ensure patient comfort during surgery. Next, the surgeon performs liposuction to remove fat from specific areas of the body where it is in excess, such as the abdomen, thighs or flanks.
  • Fat processing: The fat removed is processed and purified to remove impurities and liquids, leaving pure fat ready for re-injection into the buttocks.
  • Fat reinjection: Once treated, fat is reinjected into the buttocks using fine cannulas to create a natural, harmonious volume. The surgeon works with precision to sculpt the buttocks according to the patient's wishes.
  • Sutures and recovery: Once the procedure is complete, sutures are placed at the liposuction sites, and bandages or a compression garment are applied to reduce swelling and support the tissues during healing. The patient is then monitored during the recovery period to ensure that everything is proceeding as planned.


Recovery from buttock lipofilling (BBL) can vary depending on the extent of the procedure, but generally requires a rest and recovery period of at least a few weeks. Bruising, swelling and discomfort may occur in the days following surgery, but gradually diminish over time.

The results of buttock lipofilling are usually visible once swelling and bruising have subsided, with fuller, rounder and more aesthetically pleasing buttocks.


A body lift is an aesthetic surgical procedure designed to reshape and firm body contours by removing excess skin and fat from areas of the body such as the abdomen, hips, buttocks, thighs and arms. This procedure is generally performed on people who have undergone significant weight loss, either through bariatric surgery or through natural means such as diet and exercise, and who have significant skin sagging.

Here's how the body lift procedure usually works:

  • Initial consultation: The patient meets with the plastic surgeon to discuss aesthetic goals, medical history and lifestyle. The surgeon also assesses the extent of excess skin and fat and discusses treatment options.
  • Anesthesia: Surgery is generally performed under general anesthesia to ensure patient comfort throughout the procedure.
  • Incisions: The surgeon makes strategic incisions around the body, usually in the area of the abdomen, hips, buttocks, thighs and arms, to access the underlying tissues.
  • Excision of excess skin and fat: The surgeon removes excess skin and fat using surgical excision techniques, thereby tightening and reshaping body contours.
  • Tissue reshaping: Once excess skin and fat have been removed, the surgeon repositions and tightens the underlying tissues to achieve firmer, more toned contours.
  • Sutures and bandages: Once the procedure is complete, the surgeon closes the incisions with sutures and applies bandages or a compression garment to support the tissues during healing.


Recovery from a body lift can vary depending on the extent of the procedure, but generally requires a rest and recovery period of at least a few weeks. Bruising, swelling and discomfort may occur in the days following surgery, but gradually diminish over time.

Bodylift results are usually visible once swelling and bruising have subsided, with smoother, more toned and more aesthetically pleasing body contours.

Liposuction of saddlebags

Saddlebags liposuction is an aesthetic surgical procedure designed to remove excess fat from the hips and thighs, often referred to as "saddlebags". This procedure is popular with people wishing to refine their figure and improve body contours in this area.

Here's how the saddlebags liposuction procedure usually works:

  • Initial consultation: The patient meets with the plastic surgeon to discuss aesthetic goals, medical history and expectations for the procedure. The surgeon also assesses the extent of excess fat in the hip and thigh area and discusses treatment options.
  • Anesthesia: Surgery can be performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation, depending on patient preference and the extent of the procedure.
  • Incisions: The surgeon makes small, discreet incisions in targeted areas of the saddlebags.
  • Introducing the liposuction cannula: Using a liposuction cannula, the surgeon infuses a saline solution mixed with anesthetics to numb the area and facilitate fat extraction.
  • Fat extraction: The surgeon then uses the liposuction cannula to gently suction excess fat from the saddlebags, sculpting the contours to achieve a harmonious aesthetic result.
  • Sutures and bandages: Once the procedure is complete, the surgeon closes the incisions with sutures and applies bandages or a compression garment to support the tissues during healing.


Recovery from saddlebags liposuction can vary depending on the extent of the procedure, but generally requires a rest and recovery period of at least a few days to a week. Bruising, swelling and discomfort may occur in the days following surgery, but gradually diminish over time.

The results of saddlebags liposuction are usually visible once swelling and bruising have subsided, with a significant reduction in excess fat and smoother, more harmonious contours in the hip and thigh area.