

The face is analyzed in movement. The beauty of the face lies in the mimicry and the pout. We must therefore always take this into account, so as never to freeze a look or block a smile. As the years go by, the skin can relax and fat can distribute itself differently, giving the face a stern, sad or tired look in which we no longer recognize ourselves. The aim of facial rejuvenation surgery is to restore radiance without distorting or transforming the face.

Double chin liposuction

Double chin liposuction, also known as submental liposculpture, is an aesthetic surgical procedure designed to remove excess fat under the chin to achieve a more slender, defined profile.

During double chin liposuction, the plastic surgeon makes small, discreet incisions under the chin. Through these incisions, he or she inserts a fine cannula connected to a suction device to gently draw out excess fat. This technique reshapes the chin and neck area, reducing the appearance of a double chin and improving jawline definition.

Double chin liposuction is generally performed on an outpatient basis, meaning that the patient can go home the same day as the procedure. The recovery period is generally short, although bruising and swelling may occur in the days following the procedure. Wearing a compression garment around the chin is often recommended to help reduce swelling and promote healing.

The results of double chin liposuction are usually visible as soon as the swelling subsides, usually after a few weeks. The chin appears more contoured, and the transition between neck and chin is sharper.


Genioplasty is an aesthetic surgical procedure designed to modify the shape, size or position of the chin to improve facial harmony and achieve a more balanced profile.

During a genioplasty, the plastic surgeon may use different techniques depending on the patient's needs. These may include:

  • Chin augmentation: If the chin is deemed too small or receding, the surgeon can use silicone implants or the patient's own tissue to increase chin projection and size.
  • Chin reduction: If the chin is considered too prominent or too large, the surgeon can remove part of the chin bone to reduce it to a more proportionate size.
  • Correction of asymmetry: If the chin is asymmetrical, the surgeon can use various techniques to realign it and achieve a more harmonious symmetry with the rest of the face.


Genioplasty can be performed alone or in combination with other facial aesthetic procedures, such as rhinoplasty (nose surgery) or chin liposuction, to achieve more complete results.

Recovery from genioplasty can vary depending on the extent of the procedure, but generally requires a rest and recuperation period of one to two weeks. Bruising and swelling may occur, but gradually diminish over time.

The results of genioplasty are usually visible once swelling and bruising have subsided, with a chin that is more balanced and harmonious in relation to the rest of the face.