

Skin surgery is a field of plastic surgery that encompasses a wide range of procedures to treat skin problems, including skin lesions, scars, skin tumors, congenital malformations, burns and aesthetic imperfections.
Skin surgery can play an important role in improving the appearance and quality of the skin, but it's important to understand that surgery alone does not guarantee beautiful, healthy skin.


Xanthelasma removal is a surgical procedure to surgically remove the yellowish cholesterol deposits (xanthelasma) that form under the skin around the eyelids. Xanthelasma is often associated with high blood cholesterol levels, although it can also occur in people with normal cholesterol levels.

Here are the typical steps involved in xanthelasma removal:

  • Local anesthesia: Prior to the procedure, a local anesthetic is administered around the treatment area to numb the skin and minimize discomfort during surgery.
  • Surgical excision: The plastic surgeon uses a scalpel or scalpel knife to gently remove xanthelasma deposits from under the skin. Excision is performed with care to minimize scarring and preserve the structure of the eyelid.
  • Wound closure: After xanthelasma excision, the wound is closed with fine sutures to promote healing and reduce scarring. Precise suturing techniques can be used to minimize visible scarring.
  • Post-operative care: After the procedure, specific post-operative care instructions are provided to the patient. This may include the application of antibiotic or healing ointments, as well as cold compresses to reduce inflammation.


Xanthelasma removal is generally considered a safe and effective procedure for eliminating unsightly cholesterol deposits around the eyelids. 

It is recommended that you consult a qualified plastic surgeon to assess your specific case and discuss appropriate treatment options for xanthelasma.