

A gummy smile refers to a condition where a significant portion of the gums is visible when someone smiles. Normally, when a person smiles, a small portion of the gums is visible, but in the case of a gummy smile, a larger proportion of the gums is exposed, which can make the teeth appear shorter or the smile disproportionate.

Causes of gummy smile can vary and may include:

  • Excessive gum tissue: In some cases, an excessive amount of gum tissue covers the teeth, leading to a gummy smile.
  • Muscle hyperactivity: Hyperactivity of the upper lip elevator muscles can lead to excessive elevation of the upper lip when smiling, further exposing the gums.
  • Poor position of teeth or jaw: Dental anomalies or jaw positioning problems can influence the way lips and gums are exposed when smiling.
  • Bone development problems: Bone abnormalities in the jaw or face can also contribute to a gummy smile.
Gummy Smile Treatment Tel-Aviv
Gummy smile

For some people, a gummy smile can be perceived as aesthetically unpleasant or unattractive. This can affect self-confidence and self-esteem, especially if the person feels self-conscious about the appearance of their smile.

There are several treatment options for correcting a gummy smile, depending on the underlying cause. In some cases, botulinum toxin injections (such as Botox) can be used to relax the muscles that lift the lips too much, reducing gum exposure.