Detached ears and split lobes can be aesthetic concerns for some people, but there are cosmetic solutions to treat these problems.
- Floppy ears: Protruding ears, also known as cabbage-leaf ears, are characterized by a wider angle between the ear and the head. This can be a source of complex, especially in children and adolescents. Otoplasty surgery is an option for correcting protruding ears.
- Split lobe: A split lobe occurs when a hole or division forms in the earlobe, often caused by prolonged wear of heavy earrings or trauma. Repair of a split lobe can be performed by a plastic surgeon.
Detached ears
Protruding ears, also known as cabbage-leaf ears, are characterized by a wider angle between the ear and the head. This can be a source of discomfort, especially for children and teenagers. Otoplasty surgery is an option for correcting protruding ears.