
The Renata França massage method

Laura DAHAN - trained in the Renata França massage method


Renata Franca - The woman who revolutionized massage

The Renata França massage method is world-renowned for its Manual Lymphatic Drainage. She was also behind the creation of the Remodeling Massage and the Miracle Face. These treatments, all the way from Brazil, promise breathtaking results.

Renata Franca creates new types of maneuvers that produce more effective results than traditional massages on the silhouette or oval of the face. Her customers are unanimous: the effects are "miraculous".

lymphatic drainage

It relies on firm pressure and an accelerated rhythm, in addition to pumping and exclusive maneuvers that deliver immediate results. This technique reduces edema, activates blood circulation and potentiates a complex network of vessels through which body fluids pass, thus reducing the dreaded cellulite. The result is a less bloated, shapelier body with a more accelerated metabolism and, consequently, a feeling of well-being.


A manual massage technique whose main feature is the application of vigorous, rapid and firm movements all over the body. This massage has surprising results, as it is designed to shape adipocytes, i.e. move fat to the right place and thus give the body more contour. Kneading, pinching and gliding are just some of the maneuvers that promise to give the body new shapes and guarantee a more sinuous silhouette.

miracle face

With an immediate lifting effect, this facial massage deflates, accentuates facial contours and promotes the skin's natural revitalization. Its function is to drain swelling and promote a new facial contour. With lymphatic drainage maneuvers and a sculpting massage, it achieves a result as special as the body version.