
Scar or Surgical Sequela

Skin surgery is a field of plastic surgery that encompasses a wide range of procedures to treat skin problems, including skin lesions, scars, skin tumors, congenital malformations, burns and aesthetic imperfections.
Skin surgery can play an important role in improving the appearance and quality of the skin, but it's important to understand that surgery alone does not guarantee beautiful, healthy skin.

Reconstruction and correction of skin defects

Skin surgery after scarring or surgical sequelae is a procedure designed to improve the appearance and functionality of skin affected by scars or imperfections resulting from previous surgical procedures.

Here are a few techniques commonly used in skin surgery after scarring or surgery sequelae:

  • Scar revision: This procedure involves surgically removing the existing scar and stitching the skin back together to reduce its visibility and improve its appearance. It can be performed using various surgical techniques such as simple excision, skin grafting or tension reduction.
  • Skin grafting: Skin grafts can be used to replace scar-damaged skin with healthy skin taken from another part of the patient's body. This can help improve skin texture, color and suppleness.
  • Skin flaps: Skin flaps are skin tissues with their own blood supply that are moved from one area of the body to another to reconstruct scar-damaged areas. This technique is often used for extensive or complex scars.
  • Soft tissue surgery: This procedure involves repairing or reshaping the soft tissue around the scar to improve the texture and aesthetic appearance of the skin.
  • Laser surgery: Laser treatments can be used to reduce the appearance of scars by stimulating collagen production and reshaping scar tissue.
  • Corticosteroid or filler injections: These injections can be used to flatten hypertrophic or keloid scars and improve their appearance.


Skin surgery after scarring or surgical sequelae is a complex field that requires thorough evaluation by an experienced plastic surgeon. The choice of surgical technique will depend on the nature and location of the scar, as well as the patient's aesthetic and functional goals.